FAQ - Information
Welcome to The Haunted Acres Frequently Asked Questions and Information page. We know that there are often questions you may have about haunted attractions and specifically The Haunted Acres, so we are here to help!
Whether you have been here many times or this is your first time there is information on this page that we would ask you to review to help prepare you for your time with us and make your experience as good as possible!
Ticket sales/scheduling/prices? All ticket sales are online and booked for a particular time. We found this had many benefits. We can now offer our "Snacks and Scares" package that supports local businesses we teamed up with to get you discounts on some local grub that you can plan to use the night of your show, or any time up to the end of November. You get to plan your night, arrive on time and get right into the trail without long wait times. We will open up our outside trail as weather allows but rain or shine we will have a show.
Please be on time for your appointments. We will have a very time sensitive procedure going that requires everyone to be lined up and ready to go at your scheduled time. Please show up at our facility on time, or up to 15 minutes early. You have a parking spot associated with your time and we will guide you to it upon arrival.
If you have any questions or concerns about these rules please contact us BEFORE your scheduled appointment so we can work it out early. You can email us at TheHauntedAcres@gmail.com and leave a call back number and we will give you a call if you would like.
What is the Snacks and Scares package? We have teamed up with a few local businesses to offer a special package to groups that are attending our event. For $5.00 added only to your reservation (not all other tickets) you receive all of the discounts that are listed on the snack and scare ticket. Instructions to claim your discounts at the participating sites is also listed there.
Where are you located? You can get directions, our address, and a map on our contact page here. Please note that our queue line for parking is along a shared street and we give priority to the neighbors who live here. Be patient and courteous while parking and listen to our parking staff. They will guide you to the correct parking spot for your booked time. Also please do not litter along the road. Garbage cans are provided at the beginning and end of the trail..please use them.
When are you open? We have our full schedule and times posted here.
What is Kids day? Kids day is a special event that we hold dear to our hearts at The Haunted Acres. Families are invited to bring their little ones that may be too scared for our full show (we tone it down A LOT..think peek around a corner and say boo with a smile!) and walk through a portion of our trail (inside if raining or rescheduled to our rain date the following weekend) and receive candy, play games, get faces painted, and get a picture taken that can be purchased if you'd like. Kids day prices are $5 for adults and children. Children who can not walk will not be charged. Adults also receive a voucher to attend one of our full shows for $5 off. Dress up your kids for a Halloween photo to remember!
Should I bring my small child with me to the trail? We leave it up to the adults to decide when their children are ready to experience our full trail. We loosely recommend seven and older, but no matter what age we try and get everyone through the trail by toning it down if we see someone that is obviously terrified. We also have glow necklaces available that you can opt to wear or give to a member of the group that doesn't want to be scared as much as the rest and we will not target someone with a necklace.
What is appropriate footwear? Our event goes through many dark areas and outside through the woods. To keep your toes safe, do not wear any open toed shoes, and the more traction the better so you don't slip anywhere.
How long will it take us to get through the event? Once your group is moved from your parking spot, up to the start of the trail and depending how fast you walk as a group, it will be anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to get through the trail.
How often do you change your scares or themes? We change our theme each year to continue to provide new stories and scares.
What happens if it's raining? We have a large inside portion of our trail (The Lurid Labyrinth and Haunted Maze) that is open rain or shine. If raining hard enough that outside portions are deemed unsafe for you or our staff, we will switch to rain mode which is a unique "Scare around every corner" version of our trail and we will keep you in your vehicles and bring you up a few vehicles at a time so you can quickly get into our covered waiting area and enjoy our special show. We pack much more into the inside show on a rain day than our normal show so it's actually a little more scary and there will be scares at every turn! You also receive a voucher toward another full show for that season if you'd like to return to get the outside part of the show as well.
How much does it cost? All tickets are $10.00 rain or shine for our normal show (excluding special events). You can add our "Snacks and Scares" package for $5.00 at registration (not per ticket). If a child is being carried they are not charged, but Kids Day listed above may be a better fit for someone that small. Any un-scheduled tickets purchased at the door will be an additional $5 per person. For large group pricing please see info about groups.
Do you accept Credit cards? Yes we do, but there is a $2.00 service charge for using credit onsite vs cash.
What if I'm too scared to make it through? We do our very best to make sure you get to enjoy your experience with us. We will hold back if we see that someone is completely terrified, but at the same time, we are here to give you a scare so if you don't think you will make it or are worried talk it over with our admissions desk and they pass on the info.
Will anything touch me as I go through the trail? No. We have a strict no touching policy. It goes both ways.. we won't touch you and we ask that you don't touch the props or characters. There are however some places through the trail where props or effects are used that can potentially brush up against you or make it feel like something is.
Are bathrooms available? Yes we have bathrooms available at the trail in the waiting area. They are only available to customers who have already checked in and are waiting their turn.
I have a large group that wants to all come together is there special pricing or a special time for us? It depends on the size of the group, but if you have a group of 20 or more give us a call and we can help you get in at the best times to reduce wait times and can discuss any discounts with you then. See also our next FAQ about special group events...
We have our own special event group and would like to visit The Haunted Acres. Anything special for us? We have been very creative with special groups coming to our trail before depending what the event was for and what the interest of the group is. Birthday parties, Custom proposals on the trail, special VIP times, and behind the scenes options are some of the things we have done in the past. Give us a call early and we can schedule something special for your event that is customized to fit you.
I'm interested in helping out at the trail what do I do? Great! Thanks for your interest. We are always interested in getting quality helpers that are willing to share their time and talents with us and become part of our team. Go to our contact page and let us know what your passion is around Halloween, SFX makeup, or any unique talents you may have as well as why you chose us to work with and we will get back to you soon!
How many go in a group? We usually keep the groups to each car load that checked in, so who you drive in with is your group. If you have questions or certain needs for larger groups of more than 8 book back to back time slots and let us know what your plan is.
Are there strobes, black lights or fog machines in use? Yes, we use all of those in our shows. If you have any conditions or concerns please let us know in advance and we can sometime accommodate your needs.
Is The Haunted Acres handicapped accessible? No, unfortunately we are not. If you have specific questions about getting through our trail please don't hesitate to contact us and we can see if we can make it work for you.
Are there any enclosed spaces? Yes, there are some places through the trail where you will go through some tight places or be stopped at times to view instructions or watch a scene.
Can I wear my Halloween costume to the event? In general we do not recommend wearing costumes to our event other than for kids day when you may want to dress the kids up and get pictures of/with them. If you do show up in costume we reserve the right to ask you to tailor it to abide by our safety policies.
How late am I able to come to the trail? We take our last checked in group at 10:30pm, but if there are groups already waiting, we may have to turn late comers away. Call ahead if you're cutting it close and we can let you know if it's worth the trip or not or when you arrive our parking staff can let you know.
I saw you do a Christmas trail? That's correct! it's a completely different event and not scary at all. It's for kids and their families offering your own personal time through the trial. Read more about it at TheChristmasAcres.com.
I read through all of these and my question isn't answered..... Give us a call or send us a message on the contact page!